Property Division

Property division is often one of the biggest concerns of those seeking a divorce. After all, no one wants to feel like they have worked so hard to obtain what they have made only to give it all away to their partner. The reality of property division is much more complex than that though because it is based on what each person has put in to the marriage. No matter how complex or confusing your property division process though, we can help you get the most from your settlement.

In low-asset short marriages, the asset division process can be rather quick because most of the couple’s property will have been obtained before marriage and not subject to property division. In longer marriages though, particularly those with lots of property, the process can quickly become much more complex because anything that was obtained during the marriage will be subject to the divorce proceedings. The only things exempted from this law are inheritances and anything covered in a prenuptial agreement. The first thing your Michigan family attorney will do in these situations is help you sort out your property to learn exactly which assets are subject to division.